
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Juicing Cleanse

I am starting my juicing again! I've tried it with my boyfriend exactly a year ago and we made it through!!! We actually did a 3 day juice fast, which was not fun! The only reason why we got through it was not because of each other's support but because we were both competitive and wanted to beat one another at the discipline game.   While I was on the juice fast, I was not moody or grouchy but rather mellow.  I was constantly fantasizing about eating food and had a minor headache.  My body temperature felt a little colder than normal, probably due to not eating.  When you eat, the body warms up because it is breaking down food.  If you don't eat, there's nothing to process but it can focus on cleansing and detoxing other parts of your body such as, your colon, liver, kidney, skin, etc.  We also both lost 10 lbs each in only 3 days! But it took us awhile to eat real food and drink alcohol after the detox.  This time around, I am going to replace one to two meals a day rather than fasting.

What You'll Need:
  1. Juicer
  2. Fruits/Veggies
  3. Mason Jars
  4. Cutting Board
  5. Knife/Peeler

Health Benefits:
I usually look to see what I have in the fridge and I visit Juice Recipes and check mark the ingredients I have.  The website narrows down what juice recipes you can make with the allowed ingredients and also the benefits you'll be getting with that juice recipe.  There are many health benefits associated with juicing  Below are a few fruits/veggies I like to use but there are other great ones out there :]
  • Apples - good source of fiber, improves digestion, Vitamins A B1 B2 B6
  • Oranges - increase growth of skin and blood cells, boost immune system, Vitamin C & Calcium
  • Celery - decrease blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, helps prevent mutated cells
  • Carrots - anti-aging, glowing skin, cancer prevention, beta-carotene, Vitamin A
  • Kale - reducing risk of heart disease, detoxifies body and liver, Vitamin K
  • Beets - prevents birth defects and heart disease, detoxifies blood and liver, reduce pms cramps
  • Spinach - good for your eyes, aid in age-related illnesses, "nature's master antioxidant", Iron
  • Cucumber - improves: skin, hair, nails, glowing complexion, improves: muscles, bones, tendons, etc.

  • Make sure to clean your fruits/veggies prior to juicing.
  • I like to prep all my stuff prior to the juicing process.
  • Fill the juices up to almost the top, leaving very little air to 'spoil' to juice.
  • Close the lid tightly, to ensure that it is airtight.
  • After you're done with your bottles, pop it into the freezer for 20-30 minutes until you can't hear a 'pop' on the lid when you press on it.
  • Transfer the bottles from the freezer to the fridge.
  • Try to drink the juices the sooner the better because there are no preservatives.
  • Keep the juices a maximum of 3 days

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Power of Honey & Cinnamon

Don't you just hate it when you wake up and see an unpleasant surprise on your face? It always sets its camp on the most flattering area of your face, like the tip of your nose, in between your eyebrows, and even a third eye on your forehead. Well no fear!!! This is my go to remedy and you can easily find it in your kitchen! All you need is HONEY & CINNAMON! Honey is an antibacterial agent full of antioxidants. It is great for pimple treatment, it slows down the aging process, clarifies your pores and gives you a glowing complexion! Bet you didn't know all that, was packed in a $2 bottle just sitting in your kitchen ^_-

Spot Treatment
 Mix a dab of honey and cinnamon until it becomes a muddy color, then spot treat the pimple overnight. The cinnamon will draw out the gunk in the pimple while the honey moisturizes your skin.

Face Mask
 My affordable and weekly mask! Same process, mix honey and cinnamon until it turns into a muddy color and apply it all over your face and neck. Avoid your eyes and nostrils, you're welcomed to put it over your mouth, it's pretty tasty. Leave the mask on for about 20-30 minutes then wash it off. I usually do this before I'm about to shower so it's not as messy.

Daily Treat
Take a spoonful of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon daily to boost your immune system and fight the flu/cold and it also gives you energy!!!

There are many more benefits of cinnamon.  I will update more on the list of benefits so stay tuned!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Marc Jacobs Honey Perfume

zzzzzzz this little bottle of nectar is so light and sophisticated. If you're looking for something really soft and delicate to mix with your natural scent I highly suggest this little bugger. :]

I'm Back After #$!@ Years!!! ¬_¬

oh wow! It's been almost 3 years since I've been on here. I just felt like blogging and updating out of the blue. I can't promise but I will try to update more regularly. I tried so many beauty products that I NEED to share with everyone! And I will also be on the lookout for some new products to come! :]