
Monday, April 12, 2010

Yummy Snacks Galore ;]

Hehe so my good friend, Kathy just dropped off some macaroons! I want to eat them right now! >;0 But I have to wait for my boyfriend. /)_-

Anywhoo, so I went to the asian market the other day. I didn't think I was going to buy much so I didn't bother getting a cart/basket. Boy was I wrong! I actually carried all of these items in my arms to the register. They looked at me like I'm retarded -_- oh wells, I get to enjoy these goodies all to myself!!! :]

I am obsessed with these flavored roasted seaweeds!!! I like to put cream cheese in the middle and eat it like a mini sandwich! :D The flavors I've tried so far are kim chee, wasabi, and seasoned. I think they're all good!

I'm sure everyone is familiar with the shrimp chips but NOT in this flavor! My friend Zody, introduced it to me at camp and I am in LOVE! ;]

Hehe this is a childhood favorite! I like the consistency of the lychee jelly and there are some fruit chunks inside too!

Yes... I carried everything by myself to the register.. in one trip mind you /)_-

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